
attic without floor boards
nail guns
nail gun ammo
attic, first layer done
attic panorama
attic covered in plastic

After placing the beams, it is time for the first layer of the attic floor (or the ground floor ceiling). 2cm planks nailed into place. As I’m told, this stuff is never done by hand anymore. Nailguns are a time saver…

After placing that layer, it will take ‘some’ time until the next layer is placed. therefore I played Christo in the small. Dust apparently has the ability to, together with the shrinking and expanding of the wood, seep through the planks, even with the grooved connections. This could lead to the dust falling though onto the floor below. As there will still be a lot of dust generated for some time, a layer of plastic should prevent the dust from settling in the grooves of the planks.