Too slow

Shots at 12:00 for 28 days of demolition.

When you get the creeping feeling things go too slow, try and get confirmation that things are not entirely true. OK, an experienced demolition crew would be faster. For sure b/c they have no feeling for the place and do not need to live in it for a while while tearing it down… I ‘d like to think we’re doing rather well.

[edit] Just noticed (most likely) the Barn Owl left a sign of its presence on the front most beam somewhere in the last week. 💩

Tools and walls

A new tool! A big demolition hammer. Must say that even that one had a hard time with this wall. Bricks with open spaces. Lightweight and less material, all cool but mortar seeps into those openings and makes the wall a lot less sensitive to hammers…

The concrete floor is a worse match for the demolition hammer, let the old fashioned sledge hammer deal with those damned sturdy walls. Let’s build some muscle…


Yes, we made some progress this weekend. It feels like proper progress when walls come down. Maybe because of the figure of speech. Anyway, it already has been a satisfying weekend. Tomorrow coffee with cake (and who knows something stronger) with the new neighbours.


Tien dagen slopen. Na het schuren en opruimen is tien dagen geleden het slopen echt begonnen. De time lapse.

Bouwrijp maken

Grof geweld. Nou, fijn toegepast grof geweld. Zelfs de kinderkopjes en zwerfkeitjes werden gespaard. Sommige bomen en struiken waren minder gelukkig… Maar dat was de bedoeling 😔

Take 1

Mja, take 1 is meestal voor verbetering vatbaar. Raspberry Pi’s zijn toch een beetje onhandiger in het juist afstellen (of ik doe t gewoon niet goed 😔)

Anyway: twee uur schuren en flexen met de lamellenschijf. Nu nog the Dark Side of the Beam