
This weekend was the first time you could see all the way from front to back. BTW: can a beam pull pillars towards each other (top picture)?

Chipping away (layers again)

As ceilings and walls disappear, the floor demands attention. Just as the ceilings, it is made up of layers. I counted 4-ish at most. Some layers are rather easy going (thin layers of poured cement or loosely stacked bricks deep down), some layers are pretty sturdy (30cm thick concrete … blocks). One layer has claimed its first victim… A 6kg sledge hammer.

History II

As a kid (<deep-voice>a long, long time ago</deep-voice>) I ‘collected’ stickers from mandarins and oranges. Several paint sessions have respected that piece of art since. I can but express my gratitude and keep this relic for just a bit longer


Even in a three 10 hour day weekend of demolition (djeeez, never ever had hands this sore) there’s moments of rest. If I wasn’t as tired, I would have sat down for a bit and stare at the sheer beauty. Had to go to bed though…

Last stand

Some things are important. Coffee for one (and therefor the kitchen I suppose). Shielded by a dust cover the treasury is living its final moments.

Self portrait

People usually leave their name somewhere in the building during construction. This part must have been from before the alphabet. Self portrait of the carpenter I guess 🙂


Peeling away the wall, suddenly a piece of history showed up. The old door’s lock. The new door and it’s external frame were neatly fit inside the old external doorframe.


Just like in the game: You start off real nice and neat and as the level progresses things get messier and messier. Game over, clean slate with a new container. Fortunately that is the goal here.

Current container count:

  • Wood: 2
  • Rubble: 3
  • Random trash: 1

Bigger Hammer time!

Yeah, well… That was the experiment with the jack hammer. At least two layers of concrete at different thicknesses. Some pretty darn hard concrete. That just won’t work. Sore wrists, sore back, days of hammering. Suppose it will take a bitter tool than this. 🙁 Bigger Hammer Time!