Finally a break

It seems the floor is not all that sturdy/massive/thick and all. It is a number of layers but not all as strong as they seem. The bottom bricks can almost be picked up without any power tools to loosen them.

Gonna have a go at it with a friend. Might just save us a few thousand euros…

Found (and sometimes lost)

Haven’t kept proper track but we’ve found at least one hammer, one screwdriver, one cheese grater, some names of previous builders and other markings. The first image is an example of the latter which turned up today behind layers of wall paper near the fireplace. Not a clue what it all means. The bottom one is a nice vintage bottle opener (duh). Finders keepers!

Fireplace up in smoke

Had not seen proper fire in ages but still… Will never see fire again (or anything at all for that matter). The wooden panel is what the meter box Is attached to


One of the last to go down. Medieval style with a battering ram. Worked rather well actually (they were not stupid a few hundred years ago…)