High and dry

Could not be stored or reasonably moved. A 3.5 meter high cabinet from Leiden Uni where mum and dad worked. Now stowed in the overhead storage for about a year or so…

Nature finds a way (or needs a hand)

ivy inside

The ivy sees an opportunity. No more panelling agains the roof on the inside. Yay!, let’s grow there (because that’s what ivy does)

shrew mice

After dumping isolation materials, these two were frantically running around in the trailer, wondering where their housing had gone. Took ‘m back on what must have been a thrilling ride and released them in the garden. Too cute and there’s nothing in the house for them to return to anyways (so hopes are high on them staying in the garden…).

Volume vs Weight

The previous container with bricks was picked up a tad early. It wasn’t quite topped of to my liking. So… the next one will have to compensate for that small mess up: We played Tetris all day…

(thanks Anko and Barry 😃)


Langzaam aan wordt de wagen voller
Hoog en droog

Opgeslagen staat netjes. We zijn de spullen die niet weg kunnen aan het distribueren. Hier een beetje, daar een beetje. Het grootste beetje met onze architect/aannemer/adviseur. Yay, dikke bak (voor de aanhangwagen en achter de auto)

Dikke zak

Het is goed orde op zaken stellen met deze zakken. Kuub hout, stenen, plastic, … . En dat voor slechts €7 per stuk (incl.)