Current Container Count

  • Wood: 3
  • Rubble: 6
  • Random trash: 1

I’d say still about 3 more rubble (concrete, bricks, tiles) to go… One Random trash is nearly filled but kept just in case we overlooked something. The current wood is over half full. A few cubic meters wood is stored in piles to burn or use as beams.

Strange to fit the contents of the house in these numbers.

Too slow

Shots at 12:00 for 28 days of demolition.

When you get the creeping feeling things go too slow, try and get confirmation that things are not entirely true. OK, an experienced demolition crew would be faster. For sure b/c they have no feeling for the place and do not need to live in it for a while while tearing it down… I ‘d like to think we’re doing rather well.

[edit] Just noticed (most likely) the Barn Owl left a sign of its presence on the front most beam somewhere in the last week. 💩

Nature finds a way (or needs a hand)

ivy inside

The ivy sees an opportunity. No more panelling agains the roof on the inside. Yay!, let’s grow there (because that’s what ivy does)

shrew mice

After dumping isolation materials, these two were frantically running around in the trailer, wondering where their housing had gone. Took ‘m back on what must have been a thrilling ride and released them in the garden. Too cute and there’s nothing in the house for them to return to anyways (so hopes are high on them staying in the garden…).

Plate tectonics

Suddenly the jack hammer fell through the floor. A hint of a thin plate and the possibility to lift it in big pieces in stead of the Zen garden-generating pebbles. This is the way to speed up things!

Put a lid on it

The first would have done had we not started breaking down a wall next to it. The second could have done had we taken more care. Bricks are breakers!