When the steed is stolen…

Or in Dutch: “Als het kalf verdronken is dempt men de put”

When the floor comes up, some things come down. At least, relative to the floor. The thing coming down this time was an old beam which had plenty of clearing underneath it. Had.

At one of the first days after the new floor was in we discussed it: “That’s one to watch out for now. We better mark it or something”. 5 Minutes later I hit my head hard against it, was cursing my way up a ladder because of my stupidity and slowly made my way down again after I felt the trickle of blood running down my forehead.

Lesson? When you think something is smart to do, do it!. It may save you a break of an hour at the start of the day that is from that moment on spent with a pounding headache as if you drank too much the night before.

The smart thing here was wrapping the damned thing in foam.

padded beam
The offending beam nicely wrapped up
blood drop
blood, sweat and errr… smiles

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