Floor Insulated ✅

26 m^2 of styrofoam, thought it would be easier. The large flat areas are a breeze but there is plenty of corners, pipes and connections that need careful measuring. We were told it may have been done a bit too precise. Rougher around the edges and then filling with builders foam does the trick too. Oh well.

One of the stacks ready to be cut
“Waar gehakt wordt vallen spaanders”
Measurements for the record
Detail of isolation around the plumbing
More plumbing that needed wrapping

The most annoying pieces actually were where the styrofoam needed to be carved. The hot-knife was running so hot it was impossible to hold it with bare hands. And often it took more than a few attempts before it would actually fit.

Cutting halfway through a board with the curved hot-knife
Snug fit!
Such … big … stacks

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