Cement Floor

Two days of setting up time lapse cameras and at the moment supreme, the Raspberry Pis did not have internet and the crontabs did not run. No time lapse of the ‘pouring’ of the cement floor 😡. Somehow the router was off. Should teach me to mind my own things first before other things. Oh, wait… The floor is ‘my thing’.

Oh well, the floor is in. Most important, I know…

It is incredible, the ease with which a pile of cement is made into a horizontal surface of well over 100 square meters! Ok, I have not done the marble test yet, but it looks mighty straight.

The cement, water and sand is scooped into the mixer. Once mixed, it is sent through a ‘hose’ into the house and dumped onto a pile. This pile of cement is distributed with a shovel, flattened it with a bit aluminum beam and that’s it!

  • 14 big bags (1 cubic meter each) of sand
  • about 72 bags of cement
  • an unknown amount of water
Lined up, ready to be hauled over to the house
Sand for the floor piled up at the house
Shovelling it into the mixer
Nearly done

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