We’re Taking in Water!

Yes, indeed. The floor currently is about 30cm lower than it used to be and the water finds the way of the least resistance. Into the empty space and onto the concrete floor. Time to figure out where it comes from.

First culprit: a broken gutter. Slid a new section under it with a bunch of kit. Should hold until the new gutter is installed.

Not really near the house, but the temporary parking lot did not let any water through. So, around its deepest point, which is at a corner, things got muddy. Finally bought a pipe and a drain to get rid of it. Sadly, I stumbled upon some underground structures (sewer?, cables?) an a setting sun (digging 40cm deep in debris compresses by cars and tractors is not an easy task) so the pipe ended up less deep than intended. The drain would not fit on top of it anymore :(. Hope it holds like this for a year or so…

Finally there was this pipe to the cesspit(?) (Dutch: gierkelder). The two cesspits were destroyed last summer but there apparently was some settling basin(?) between the house and the two destroyed cesspits that had filled to the brim and thus overflowed back into the house. The moment I broke the pipe, it ran empty. So, quick fix: drain the basin, drill a number of holes in its bottom and smash the pipe to pieces. Will bring some more time and equipment to break it properly so it will not fill anymore for sure.

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